Curriculum VitaeACADEMIC POSITIONS l Associate Professor: l Research Fellow: l Postdoctoral Research Associate: l Postdoctoral Researcher: l Postdoctoral Researcher: l Associate Researcher: l JSPS Research Fellow DC1: EDUCATION l PhD student: l Special student: l Masters student: l Undergraduate: REFEREE FOR JOURNALS l Journal of High Energy Physics (Springer Science+Business Media) l Communications in Mathematical Physics (Springer Science+Business Media) l Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society) l Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific) l Journal of Mathematical Physics (the American Institute of Physics) l European Physical Journal C (Springer Science+Business Media) l Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations (Springer Science+Business Media) l SciPost (Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam) l Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Oxford Academic)
ResearchMy research interest is quantum field theory and string theory which include various powerful applications and feedback to theoretical physics and mathematics. I aim to clarify the relationship between gauge theories and string theory through branes which have led to unexpected new ideas, predictions and results including dualities and underlying mathematical structures.
TALKS AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Mar.14-15 2024, “Analogs of multiple zeta values and N=4 SYM”, The q-series 2024, Osaka Institute of Technology 2. Jul.25 2023, “N=2* Schur indices and line defect correlators”, The First International Congress of Basic Science, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) 3. Apr.18 2022, “M2-branes and plane partitions”, Dynamics of SCFTs and Special Functions, Stony Brook University Simons Center for Geometry and Physics 4. Jan.23 2022, “Boundaries and corners in supersymmetric gauge theories”, ADVANCES IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS 2022, Jeju 5. Dec.4 2021, “Twisted M-theory and defects in QFTs”, New Frontiers in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Grand Hyatt Incheon 6. Aug.24 2021, “Fermi-gas correlators of ADHM theory and triality symmetry”, XXVIII International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interaction (SUSY 2021) 7. Aug.23 2021, “Fermi-gas correlators of ADHM theory and triality symmetry”, YITP Workshop Strings and Fields 2021, YITP Kyoto University 8. Sep.8-9 2020, “Branes, gauge theories and dualities”, LMS online mini-lecture series, York University 9. Sep.6-7 2017, “Chern-Simons Matrix Models”, Summer School on Gravity, Fields and Strings, National Taiwan University 10. Aug.30 2017, “Supergroup Matrix Quantum Mechanics”, Topological Field Theories, String theory and Matrix Models, ITEP 11. Aug.11 2017, “Emergence of Supergroups from Junctions of M-branes”, YITP work- shop Strings and Fields, YITP Kyoto University 12. Jul.31 2017, “Bounds on Scaling Dimension in Conformal Quantum Mechanics”, Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries - SQS’2017, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics 13. Mar.6 2017, “Implications of Conformal Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics”, Workshop on String and M-theory in Okinawa, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) 14. Dec.6 2016, “Mock Modular Index of M2-M5 System”, NCTS Annual Theory Meeting 2016 Particles, Cosmology, and String, National Tsing Hua University 15. Aug.22 2016, “Topological M-Strings and Supergroup WZW Models”, Quantum Geometry, Duality and Matrix Models, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) 16. Jul.26 2016, “(2,2) and (0,4) supersymmetries and type IIB branes”, NCTS Summer workshop on Strings and Quantum Field Theory, National Tsing Hua University 17. Dec.3 2015, “AdS2CFT1, Whittaker vector and Wheeler-DeWitt equation”, KEK Theory Workshop 2015 Dec, KEK Theory Center 18. Nov.19 2015, “AdS2CFT1, Whittaker vector and Wheeler-DeWitt equation”, 8th Taiwan String Workshop, National Tsing Hua University 19. Jun.18 2013, “Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions in 3D N = 2 Theories”, String-Math 2013, Stony Brook University 20. Jul.18 2012, “String Duality and Stringy Interpretation of Wall-Crossing Phenomena”, String-Math 2012, Bonn University
POSTER PRESENTATIONS AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Jul.24 2012, “String Duality and Stringy Interpretation of Wall-Crossing Phenomena”, Strings 2012, Ludwig-Maximilians University 2. Apr.04 2012, “Evidence for Duality of Conifold from Fundamental String”, Progress in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Osaka City University
INVITED SEMINAR TALKS l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2023 December 27th l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2023 July 14th l Joint HEP TH Seminar in China: 2023 July 12nd l KIAS Seminar: 2023 June 23rd l KAIST High-Energy Theory Seminar: 2022 November 3rd l Rikkyo University Seminar: 2022 October 7th l NTU String Seminar: 2022 June 17th l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2022 June 1st l KIAS Seminar: 2021 March 22nd l Southeast Winter Seminar Series: 2021 February 12th l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2020 December 11th l Shinshu University Particle Theory Seminar: 2020 December 9th l Tagen Seminar: 2020 December 3rd l The University of Cambridge Quantum Fields and String Seminar: 2020 February 13th l Durham University Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar: 2019 December 13th l Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics QFT Strings Seminar: 2018 October 2nd l Meiji University Shimada Laboratory Seminar: 2018 April 23-24th l Keio High Energy Physics Seminar: 2018 March 26th l Imperial College String Theory Seminar: 2017 November 10rd l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2017 September 20th l Kyoto University Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar: 2017 August 4th l Durham University Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar: 2017 July 10th l Hokkaido University Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar: 2017 June 2nd l Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics QFT Strings Seminar: 2017 May 16th l KIAS Seminar: 2017 April 24th l CYCU HEP Seminar: 2017 February 22nd l KIAS Seminar: 2016 May 3rd l CYCU HEP Seminar: 2016 March 1st l NCU High Energy Theory Group Seminar: 2016 February 17th l NTU String Seminar: 2015 November 13th l NTU String Seminar: 2015 September 18th l NTHU/NCTS String Seminar: 2015 August 10th l Rikkyo University Seminar: 2015 July 10th l Kyushu University Elementary Particle Theory Group Seminar: 2015 June 19th l Tagen Seminar: 2015 June 12th l Ibaraki University Particle Theory Group Seminar: 2015 June 1st l Kyoto University Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar: 2015 May 20th l Tokyo Metropolitan University Seminar: 2015 May 13th l KIAS Seminar: 2015 May 4th l Keio High Energy Physics Seminar: 2015 April 27th l Nihon University Particle Theory Group Colloquium: 2015 April 22nd l Meiji University Shimada Laboratory Seminar: 2015 April 16-17th l Tohoku University Particle Theory and Cosmology Group Seminar: 2015 February 13th l IPMU MS Seminar: 2015 February 12th l Tsukuba University Particle Theory Group Seminar: 2015 February 2nd l Hokkaido University Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar: 2014 July 18th l Tokyo Institute of Technology Particle Theory Seminar: 2014 April 16th l University of Tokyo Hongo String Theory Seminar: 2014 April 10th l University of Tokyo Komaba Particle Theory Group Seminar: 2014 April 9th l Osaka University Particle Theory Group Seminar: 2014 April 8th l YITP Kyoto University Seminar: 2014 April 2nd l Meiji University Shimada Laboratory Seminar: 2013 April 16th l Tokyo Metropolitan University Seminar: 2013 April 15th l Nagoya University EHQG Seminar: 2013 April 12th l University of Tokyo Hongo String Theory Seminar: Date: 2013 April 11th l Nihon University Particle Theory Group Colloquium: 2013 April 10th l Hokkaido University Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar: 2011 October 21st Honors and AwardsAWARD JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1, (Awarded in April 2012)
GRANTS l Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: l Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Teachingl Durham University Tutorial: l Durham University Tutorial: l Durham University Tutorial: l Durham University Tutorial: l Durham University Tutorial: l Osaka University Teaching Assistant: l Osaka University Teaching Assistant: Publications1. Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Tadashi Okazaki, “Large N and large representations of Schur line defect correlators”, JHEP 01 (2024) 096, arXiv:2309.11712 [hep-th] 2. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith, “3d exceptional gauge theories and boundary confinement”, JHEP 11 (2023) 199, arXiv:2308.14428 [hep-th] 3. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith, “Boundary confining dualities and Askey-Wilson type q-beta integrals”, JHEP 08 (2023) 048, arXiv:2305.00247 [hep-th] 4. Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Tadashi Okazaki, “Eact N=2* Schur line defect correlators”, JHEP 06 (2023) 169, arXiv:2303.14887 [hep-th] 5. Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Tadashi Okazaki, “N=2* Schur indices”, JHEP 01 (2023) 029, arXiv:2208.01426 [hep-th] 6. Hirotaka Hayashi, Tomoki Nosaka, Tadashi Okazaki “Dualities and flavored indices of M2-brane SCFTs”, JHEP 10 (2022) 023, arXiv:2206.05362 [hep-th] 7. Tadashi Okazaki “M2-branes and plane partitions”, JHEP 07 (2022) 028, arXiv:2204.01973 [hep-th] 8. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Web of Seiberg-like dualities for 3d N=2 quivers”, Phy.Rev. D105, (2022)8 086023, arXiv:2112.07347 [hep-th] 9. Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Tadashi Okazaki, “Fermi-gas correlators of ADHM theory and triality symmetry”, SciPost Phys. 12 (2022) 005, arXiv:2105.07450 [hep-th] 10. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Seiberg-like dualities for orthogonal and symplectic 3d N=2 gauge theories with boundaries”, JHEP 07 (2021) 231, arXiv:2105.07450 [hep-th] 11. Tadashi Okazaki “Abelian mirror symmetry of N = (2,2) boundary conditions”, JHEP 03 (2021) 163, arXiv:2010.13177 [hep-th] 12. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Singular BPS boundary conditions in N = (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories”, JHEP 03 (2021) 043, arXiv:2009.02304 [hep-th] 13. Davide Gaiotto, Tadashi Okazaki “Sphere correlation functions and Verma modules”, JHEP 02 (2020) 133, arXiv:1911.11126 [hep-th] 14. Tadashi Okazaki “Abelian dualities of N = (0,4) boundary conditions”, JHEP 08 (2019) 170, arXiv:1905.07425 [hep-th] 15. Tadashi Okazaki “Mirror symmetry of 3d N = 4 gauge theories and supersymmetric indices”, Phy.Rev. D100, (2019) 066031, arXiv:1905.0408 [hep-th] 16. Davide Gaiotto, Tadashi Okazaki “Dualities of Corner Configurations and Supersym- metric Indices”, JHEP 11 (2019) 056, arXiv:1902.05175 [hep-th] 17. Amihay Hanany, Tadashi Okazaki “(0,4) brane box models”, JHEP 03 (2019) 027, arXiv:1811.09117 [hep-th] 18. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Matrix supergroup Chern-Simons models for vortex-antivortex system”, JHEP 02 (2018) 119, arXiv:1712.01370 [hep-th] 19. Tadashi Okazaki, “Implications of Conformal Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics”, Phy.Rev. D96, (2017) 066030, arXiv:1704.00286 [hep-th] 20. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Mock Modular Index of M2-M5 Brane System”, Phy.Rev. D96, (2017) 026017, arXiv:1612.07565 [hep-th] 21. Hee-Joong Chung, Tadashi Okazaki “(2,2) and (0,4) Supersymmetric Boundary Con- ditions in 3d N = 4 Theories and Type IIB Branes”, Phy.Rev. D96, (2017) 086005, arXiv:1608.05363 [hep-th] 22. Tadashi Okazaki, Douglas J. Smith “Topological M-Strings and Supergroup WZW Models”, Phy.Rev. D94, (2016) 065016, arXiv:1512.06646 [hep-th] 23. Tadashi Okazaki, “Whittaker vector, Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and the gravity dual of conformal quantum mechanics”, Phy.Rev. D92, (2015) 126010, arXiv:1510.04759 [hep-th] 24. Tadashi Okazaki, “Membrane Quantum Mechanics”, Nucl.Phys. B890, (2015) 400-441 arXiv:1410.8180 [hep-th] 25. Tadashi Okazaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, “Supersymmetric boundary conditions in three- dimensional N = 2 Theories”, Phys.Rev. D87 no. 12, (2013) 125005, arXiv:1302.5963 [hep-th] 26. Takahiro Nishinaka, Takashi Okada, Tadashi Okazaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, “Evidence for Duality of Conifold from Fundamental String”, JHEP 10 (2011) 051, arXiv:1107.3660 [hep-th]
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Tadashi Okazaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, “Supersymmetric boundary conditions in 3d N = 2 theories”, in String-Math 2013, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 88, Amer.Math.Soc., Providence, RI, 2014, pp. 343-349. 2. Tadashi Okazaki, “Evidence for duality of conifold from fundamental string”, Int.J.Mod.Phys.Conf.Ser. 21 (2013) 145-146.
THESES 1. Tadashi Okazaki, “Superconformal Quantum Mechanics from M2-branes”, Doctoral Dissertation (2015), arXiv:1503.03906 [hep-th] 2. Tadashi Okazaki, “Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Geometries from M5-branes”, Master’s Thesis (2012) |